Women Are Turned Off By These 7 Type Of Men
I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it’s true..
Throughout history, women have viewed men as their co- special creatures. They always feel at ease and confidently when they succeeded to form a formidable partnership that work with men.
Being happy and confidently with men doesn’t mean they always come into terms with all men out there, a big NO.
There are some type of men who are constantly not accepted in their minds. And this is why I have decided to put much focus on those 7 traits that you will never see any woman come into terms with.
Okay let’s get straight, here are 5 type of men women are turned off with
The only thing that complain does is convince other people that you are not in control. Women don’t like a man who is constantly complaining. Women always have this feeling and to them the worst to person to be around is the one who complains about everything and appreciates nothing.
So, if you are a man and you always complaining you should absolutely understand this, they don’t like this behavior and in the worst case scenario they might not like you. It’s that simple.
If you have an issue with a woman you better address it in a very gentle way rather than complaining. Complain is draining as a man you should commit to talking 20% about the problem and 80% about the solution.
Those Who Are Not Giving Compliment
Little things matter most to women. If you ignore this stuff then you are not for them. Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s true, women don’t fancy men who are hardly in giving compliments. Complimenting a woman is like a glue in holding relationship together.
Women are so much in love with compliments, when they have someone tell them:
You’re so interesting..
I am in love with your dressing style..
You know what.. You are so gorgeous
These words go very far. They will always never take them for granted.
Those Who Have Zero Goals in Life
I can’t stress this enough, if you have no proper life’ goals then women are not in your favor. They don’t like these kind of men. Let’s be realistic here, as a man you should strive to live to your utmost potential, you should always level up in life, your level of ambitions should be unexplainable. If you do otherwise then fine, women are not for you.
Women always wants to have someone who is visionary, they always in a constant state of being secured, if you show them that you have a zero life’s game plan then their level of confidence on you drop dramatically. Nobody want to be associate with a loser.
So, what to do? simple, make sure your ambitious in life, set realistic goals and whenever you have a chance to meet a woman make sure you give her your game plan. She will hardly not accept you as a man.
Those Who are Not Workout
As a relationship expert have interviewed countless women in different occasions and whenever I asked them about what pissed them off to a man, they always mentioned this stuff. A man who has no workout plan is a red flag man to them.
Like it or not, women want someone who is muscular, jacked and stronger. Someone who has a proper physique. A completely monster! Sadly you can’t have these qualities if you are not exercising like going to the gym. On the article of Society’s game plan is Broken the aspect of workout has been well covered.
A man who is lazy and unorganized constantly turned off women. Thy need someone who can step up when matter most and show his masculinity. Those who have baby bodies have no place in their inner hearts.
Those Who are Not Smart
Trust me on this one, women always don’t like to get associate with rough men, let alone starting relationship with. If someone is not smart then game over. They shift their attention immediately.
Being smart is the first requisite to have a place woman’s heart. Once you look nicely, well dressed and scenting proper. They are going to love you. Full stop. So, as a man you should always bring your A1 game when comes to how you appear in the public. Dress well and smell nice. No magic formula than this one.
I totally agree with Anna Wintour Quote here:
If you can’t be better than your competition’ just dress better.
Those Can’t Maintain Eye Contact
If you can’t properly able to do this then you should know that women are not impressed with you as a man. They want someone who has a monster quality to look them straight to their faces and stick for few minutes. It shows leadership and higher level of confidence.
Eye contact is more intimate than words can ever be. As a man this should be your potent weapon, to women. They won’t tell you how much they like it but trust me, it really works.
So, if you ask me why women don’t fancy those men who can’t properly doing this then this will be my response to you, they tend to ignore these men because they associate this behavior with a lack of leadership. To lead someone you have to look at her straight.
Nice Guy!
Yeah, they don’t like it, and perhaps this might be the biggest point of all. If you are a nice guy then you are going to have a roller coaster ride. To make it more clearly, women don’t like soft guys. They just want a man who is totally control.
They need someone who can boldly keep going without waiting validation from anyone, someone who can plainly disagree with them and stands for what he believes. Someone who can lead and make bold decisions on behalf of them. Do you understand?
It’s a wake up call to kill your nice guy instinct and step in when matter most. I have no better advice than that.
You have seen all necessary traits women would like to see for a man and am sure all of them can be attainable. As a man, I think you have zero excuses to not step in and become one. If you look at them clearly you may found those quality may also needed by society as well. Being a man you should be ambitious, confidently, jacked and determined. If you keep on making excuses then fine, keep making them but in the long run you will find that you miss a big part of top men’s qualities.