Men, This is What You Should Look For A Woman

5 min readOct 4, 2021


These should be Non-negotiable...

Men, This is What You Should Look For A Woman
Photo by Patrick Tomasso from Unsplash

I’ve come to realize recently that we have a very serious decision making problem in this modern world. It’s much bigger than you think. It has spread far across than pandemic.

The number of men who are in a state of a serious dilemma is staggering. Countless men are constantly struggling to know what traits make someone (woman) special, mostly they ended up picking the wrong partners.

Living their remaining lives in a very miserable way. It’s horrible!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s true that if you won’t know those quality traits makes a woman nice, you will end up living a life of turbulence.

I have enough experience to make such kind of statement.

Well to sort things up, I have deeply decided to give you those quality traits you should look for a woman whom you would like to settle with.

Men, This is What You Should Look For A Woman.

Dressing Game

Physical appearance in general, says a lot about her. Don’t listen to those fellas who constantly say that you should not judge a book by its cover, you should always consider this stuff. A woman who is constantly bringing her A1 game in how she appears in public always has something to offer in a relationship.

If she is smart physically I don’t see why not she can’t be smart upstairs as well, these two things go together. I’m a firm believer that: Dressing well is a form of good manners then who wouldn’t like to have someone with good manners? None.

A Good Sense Of Humor

I have said it before and I will say it again here, straight to your face that makes sure you pick a woman with a good sense of humour, someone who has an unquestionable level of positivity, the one who is easy to engage with full of positive vibes. I can’t stress this enough.

If you are going to pick a robot then am pretty sure you are going to have a very roller coaster ride. Too many women these days are too serious. That’s boring. Always go for someone who has a good sense of humour. Someone who is intelligently and yet so much fun.

Why is it so important? Well, dating should not be a way too serious game, it’s something that should involve quality moments of joy, relaxation and good times. This is well covered in an article called 5 Secrets To Be The Woman Every Men Desire a good sense of humour is just gold.

Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins From Unsplash

Listening Game

Many men out there despise this aspect but trust me, picking someone who has a good level of listening skills will take you very far in life. I have seen beautifully couples failed to move forward simply because of this.

Men are different from women in terms of emotional balance and processing. We do face a lot of challenges in life so it’s very important looking for a woman who can afford to vent and pay attention to what we are trying to expose.

You need someone who is calm and listening well not someone who will be interacting with you after every two seconds. You need someone who will let you finish. I don’t know how to explain it any better than this.

Emotional Balance is vital

This one is important, you need to rock with someone who is emotionally stable. Someone who can cool her tempter in a moment of turbulences, someone who can calm down when things are up, someone who make decisions based on facts, not opinions. Otherwise, it is not going to work.

It’s a relationship journey and not charity work, so misunderstandings will be a part of that story so having someone who is always impulsive and can’t keep silence and temper down during uncomfortable moments will surely have a long way to go.

You don’t need someone who is constantly checking your phone every 5 seconds. It’s scientifically proved that men with girls who are emotional competent feel more secure and have very few depressive symptoms.

Men, This is What You should Look for a woman-emotional girl
Photo by Naomi August From Unsplash

Her Level Of Aspirations in Life

If you want to excel in life the first thing you must look to a partner is her level of aspirations. Trust me, no feeling can be better than the feeling of having someone who is very ambitious in life, someone who is constantly pushing her boundaries. This feeling is unexplainable!

Going to be brutally honest with you here, you can destroy your entire life by just hanging with a partner who has zero goals in life. Yes (zero goals). You read it right. Just don’t make that mistake. Even for a second.

So, make sure you consider the degree of aspirations whenever you pick your partner.

I totally agree with Hellen Lawrenson Quote here:

A woman who is sufficiently ambitious, determined and gifted , there is practically nothing she can’t do.

Her Personal Development Angle

As a man if there is another something special you need to look for in a woman is her personal development initiatives, this is quite different from aspirations. This is about her present actions.

The way she making constantly improvements in her life. It’s about her conscious efforts against the comfort zone. We are living in an era where there is too much comfort in everything, you need someone who will constantly be breaking the circle.

Look if she workout like going to the gym, reading those nice books without forgetting meditation. This stuff pays the highest dividends. They should be non-negotiable.


Like we have seen, having someone who can offer these qualities will make your life so much better. It’s nice once you found a woman that can offer these but you should not be too much selective when picking a woman. Some of these kinds of stuff can be taught and learned along the way. Sometimes following your heart is better than following principles.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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