How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You In 10 Days
They didn’t teach you this in school..
How to make a man fall in love with you in 10 days might seem to be a very difficulty mission for both of you (women) but trust me, It’s absolutely possible.
I have coached a lot of women over the years and I know where you guys missing a point. You don’t want to be a rocket scientist to make your favorite guy fall in love with you in 10 days. It’s not a mission impossible activity as some of you might think of.
It can be done and in this awesome article am going to show you how..
You know what feels really good?
I will tell you..
Just try to imagine,
You have succeeded to get a man you have been wanting to have everyday, he is all yours.. And not of everybody else!
And you know what else feels really good?
It all took just 10 days!
Awesomely, right?
You’ve probably asked yourself so many times, how to make a guy fall in love With you in 10 days?
Okay.. This article have all practical answers for you
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Okay, Now Let’s get started..
You Have To Look Good and Smell Nice
They always saying that don’t judge a book by it’s cover, that’s not true in my opinion. We do it here. Your first impression really matters before you even say a thing. So, look good and smell nicely. I can’t emphasize this enough.
Men are very visual creatures, we fall for women by their physical attraction and the first impression. Things like intelligence comes later on but at the first sight it’s all about how you appear and how you smell. This is how you set a statement to a man.
So when you look good and smell nicely the possibility on how to make a guy fall in love with you without talking is immensely.
Viora London once said that
“We are attracted to people who smell in a certain way. We detect pheromones through smell and evolution drives us to select a partner who has a different chemical to ourselves. Having a signature scent is a positive way to lift our and create a strong impression.”
To put it simply, once you become smart and smelling nicely it will be very easy to make a guy fall in love with you.
Be a Good Listener and Ask Him Questions
Men are not stupid.
Once you give them ears to be free and feel comfortable, it’s not hard to win their hearts. The problem with most of women now days is they are constantly lead the conversation. This is the first class mistake!
Just be attentive, listen to him and ask questions when necessary. This will make him feel very special and will send a statement to him that this woman has qualities. In my other article on How To Have a Healthy Relationship With Your Boyfriend I have stressed the importance of having a good communication skills and emotional competence
I’ve interviewed hundreds of men recently and majority said straight to my face that.. To hell with women who don’t settle in conversations. But don’t get me wrong here, I am not saying you should be a dumb person, No. What I’m trying to say is this, You can’t loose when you are calm.
Constantly Give Him Compliments
This works like magic. If you want things to be successful then compliment is very important. With it you send a message to his subconscious mind that he is very special and unique. And believe me, compliments make us feel better both giving and receiving them.
“You are so interesting…”
‘“I really like your dressing style tonight..”
“I have never met a smart person like you for ages..”
“You know what, You are very special..”
I have well explained the importance of giving a positive comment to your partner in my recently article here called How To Make A Man Fall Deeply in Love With You. No any man on this planet doesn’t like a woman who sincerely gives him complements. Take that from me.
My main point here is this, if you have seen something special to him just say, however you should not give him false compliments. And of course, you can use these with texts messages. That’s how to make a guy fall in love with you through chatting and eventually you will have him in just 10 days.
Have a Sense of Humor
Nobody wants to date a robot. Yes, I said that. You can read it again and again. Just don’t take life too serious. You can’t attract any man on this planet if you are way too serious, men always like joyful women. You should be someone nice to hang with.
Smile always, be open to him, always be funny and above all else have a great posture. These things pay the highest dividends in any relationship. That is how you create a truly chemistry with that man. Once you have a good sense of humor you will automatically enter to his subconscious part and he will always want your presence around. And guess what? the game is over.
No matter what everybody say, the first thing to attract any man I think is a sense of humor. With it you can attract any one without even say one sentence to make a guy fall in love with you, things will flow organically.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: New Video Report Reveals One Thing on How to Make A Guy Fall in Love With You in 10 days CLICK HERE
Don’t Fake Just Be You
If you really want to master the art of how to make a guy fall in love with you in 10 days the first thing you must do is being REAL. I can’t emphasis this enough.
I have seen hundreds of thousands of women struggling recently, they both heads under water and you know why, they faked it in the beginning. Men don’t like it, they dumped them instantly. No interest and whatsoever.
Let that guy know who real you are. Show your true color, you are just human he will love that rather than have many faces. Lie I said before, Men are not stupid, when you fake they will quickly notes, so DON’T.
So be your damn self. No need to pretend here. Once you do you won’t even need a body language to make him fall in love with you.
Be Humble and Matured
With these two qualities, you will stand out among the rest. There no way you can’t attract a guy with the two. The world is short of these people. To be brutal honest with you here, most of women lack these traits. This is a clear reason why they can’t have solid relationships. Period!
Mukul Chauhan was absolutely right on this:
“A girl with 10k followers on Instagram can get many guys attention, but a girl with humility and ambitions will always get the heart”
You can beat 90% of competition over a man by just being humble and matured. Stop playing small. Show your high level of maturity. It’s not for a night stand, it’s for a lifetime.
So don’t have impulsive emotions, show empathy to him, love his company and above all else be someone to be trusted in big issues. Trust me your question on how to make a man fall in love with you psychology will be easily non exist.
In large part of our conversation here we were trying to explain those key issues you need to master so that you can have him in just 10 days. But trust me, it can be very challenging task sometimes and especially that person will have his principles which are hardly to bend. Like I have been always saying, just try to do your best and see what will happen along the way. Don’t be burned for a man who is not ready.
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