How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Your Boyfriend (5 Clever Ways)

6 min readSep 10, 2021


They don’t want you to know..

how to have a healthy relationship with your boyfriend
Photo by Toa Heftiba from Unsplash

In a world that is constantly changing, how to have a healthy relationship with your boyfriend has been the most searched question on the internet, and I’m not surprised, at all.

People may know what a healthy romantic relationship looks like, but most don’t know how to get one.

Just try to imagine..

You guys are in the most iconic place on the planet

You and your man both wearing same clothes (Red)

He is listening to you very attentively

Frequently kisses

He is at completely peace. Both of you are happier than ever.

Is that not sounds wonderful? It’s. right?

As someone who has much experience in dating advices, I have been constantly asked

“Jay, how to have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend?”.

But before I will answer your question let me ask you mine?

Do you really know healthy relationship characteristics?

I’m certainly sure you DON’T.


Let me go straight to show you those key characteristics of an healthy relationship:


This is a two way streets, it has to be practiced and showed with everyone. Both of you must respect one another. Show respect to your partner, Put your ego aside. Give him his utmost respect and see if he can gives it back to you. You can’t have an healthy relationship if you have zero respect. Read that again!

Good communication

I have said it before and I will say this again, 90% of relationships problem could be easily avoided with good and proper communication. Keep it simply, Healthy relationship is good communication, people seems to lack that these days. If you do this then you are in.

A sense of being valued

Are you in this feeling in your relationship? if yes then you are in an healthy relationship, if Not you are in trouble. You should have this sense to be honest. Your boyfriend should show you that you really matter, you should not be taken for granted. On how to make your relationship strong and last longer that is very important.


This is very important characteristic for any healthy relationship. Make no mistake, with an intimacy you have to feel that sense of being close, connected and supported emotionally. Being secured and calm is what am trying to talk about.

Okay, we re done with those few characteristics of an healthy relationship, let’s now go back to our main topic of discussion. The 5 major ways on how how have a healthy relationship with your boyfriend

1. Make Sure You Have a Romantic Competence

I will explain this since most can’t comprehend, by romantic competence we mean the ability to function adaptively across all areas of all aspect of relationship process. This is very important in the quest of having healthy relationship with your boyfriend

Here you must be able to:

  • Figuring what you need
  • Finding the right person
  • Building healthy relationship and
  • Ability to get out of relationships that are unhealthy

Once you master all these with romantic competence there is no way you will fail on how to keep a relationship strong and happy. Many girls on the planet lack this competence.

2. Keep You Impulsive Emotions at Bay

The psychologist and researcher Joanne Davilla was right; Most of modern day relationships failed to get healthy simply because of partners have impulsive emotions.

I’m telling you this for free, Love is the same as the stock market, once emotions are involved, you have lost the battle. Make sure you keep them at bay sometimes.

Keep your emotions calm and keep things that happened in your relationship in perspective.

So, you might think..

Ah man this is very bad thing happened to me..?

Then, how do I handle this?

With emotional maturity you will be like:

Calm down.. You know what…

It will gets better and I will be nice with my partner.

Once you will be able to tolerate these uncomfortable feelings and not be able to act on them impulsively. It’s nearly impossible to not having a healthy relationship with your boyfriend.

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3. Show Him That You Really Care

I’m going to be going to be brutally honest here, it will more than impossible to have an healthy relationship with your boyfriend if you will not care about him. This will be your downfall

Put your ego away, step in and show him that you care. Love is not a game of who is right, no.. It’s about how can we make it perfectly work. With care it will, without it won’t.

So, let me give you an example on how this thing works, you can politely just ask him about his day, you can cook a delicious meal for him, wash his clothes and be on time when needed. These stuff pretty work on how to make a relationship last until marriage.

4. Spend Quality Time Together

Like I said it before, it’s a relationship and not a competition, the aim is to create something iconic that lasts forever and not show who is right and who is wrong, No. It’s about collectively responsibility. This is how to make your relationship strong and last longer.

Most of relationships are not healthy now days simply because partners are too much selfish, they don’t want to have good times together. This is pretty scary.

Things like going on vacation together, swimming, night dates and partying may seem to be normal but they really add something in relationships. You should spend these vital moments with your boyfriend, he will never forget and they really matter on how to build a good relationship with your partner.

5. Have a Positive Attitude Towards Life

During my time as a dating coach, I have been interviewed countless men on different occasion and whenever I asked them about what they would like for a partner to have, 90% go straight and say someone with a positive attitude towards life.

Girl, you need to be optimistic in life, nobody wants a pessimistic person. You gotta be positive. Everyone wants to be around happy people who are full of positive energy.

If you always be a person of protest, annoyance and disappointments it’s obvious the word healthy relationship you will found it on a dictionary, not in real life. Energy is contagious this is why you should be a very positive person. It will help you a lot on how to build a good relationship with your partner.


In large part of this article I was trying to explain those important necessary components one needs to master so that can have healthy relationship. But this is why I would like to stress about, before going all in in any relation make sure that you genuinely know what you want in person and by all means make sure you select the right partner. Once you pick the wrong partner it will be very difficulty to change the scenario.


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Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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