6 Ways How To Make Your Man Want You Again
I suggest you read this..
If you are struggling on how to make your man want you again let’s change that immediately here.
I’m always saying this, love is a very complicated things
It’s always starts with tremendously feelings and achievements, full happiness, hugs, kisses and 24/7 texts from your partner.
You might think you at the top of Mount Everest! everything works perfectly. No drama just pure vibes.
He is all yours, you would wish to give him the entire planet.
And guess what?
All of a sudden things turned out quickly. Drama come in, your man change. He started to show his bad side. You are not his favorite anymore.
And you are now in the Dead Sea. The lowest point on Earth!
If I could sum up the feeling of this scenario it is this, it’s one of the worst feeling in human life. It’s unexplainable to be honest. I don’t know how to explain it any better than this.
But fear not, as someone who has enough experience with dating advices I have an ideally blueprint on what you can do to remedy the situation.
But, before we get into deep let me remind you with this quote here:
“You are in a relationship to be happy, to smile, to laugh, and to make good memories. Not to be constantly upset, to feel hurt and to cry” The Unknown
In the next paragraphs am going to give you 6 key ways on how to make your man want you again. No fluff, they do work like magic.
Are you read?
Let’s go..
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: New Video Report Reveals One Thing On How To Make Your Man Want You Again WATCH HERE
Work On Your Appearance
If you want your man to want you again then the first thing you must do is working on your appearance. It’s universally known fact that men always are highly attracted with smart women (looks plus scent). So make sure you improve your dressing game and scenting.
I once attracted a partner few years back and she one day texted me this:
When I first saw you, I fell in love. Well, not love love. But you smelled nice.
Have you seen my point here? scenting matters.
The biggest problem with women now days is this, once they get in love they are easily get comfortable, they won’t make any improvement. They will be wearing same stuff for ages, no clear investment on scent. This is a very big mistake.
Let me tell this you for free here, it’s hard for your man to not want you again if you will have tremendously improvement on your appearance. Once you start looking very nice and smelling good that fella will knock your door again. No way!
Up Your Sense of Humor
I can’t stress this enough. You will lose multiple men every now and then due to one thing. You don’t have a good sense of humor. Start to work on it or keep struggling. There is no two ways about it. Too many women now days are too serious. That’s a red light for their men out there.
Don’t be too serious, nobody want that. Easy your mind, be easily to be interacted. Laugh, accept jokes and enjoy little moments. Men love women who make them smile and laugh. If you have a good sense of humor will never ask how to make your man want you again.
“Men tend to prefer women with a good sense of humor because it’s associated with intelligence and honesty.” Psychofactz
My advice to you here is this, start reassessing your socialization issues and don’t approach your relationships in the same way you do with your work life. That’s wrong. Love doesn’t work like that. With a good sense of humor is how to get him interested again fast.
Keep Complimenting Him
I have said it before and I will say that again here, Man loves a woman who really cares. How do you show that? simple, you just give him compliment. Your man deserves to feel good about himself and once you care there is no way he won’t care back. So give him those compliments. I have well explain the importance of compliments to couples in my other article on How To Make A Guy Fall in Love With You In 10 Days
Sadly, we are in a generation that really don’t take advantage of this aspect. Business as usual mindset will cost this generation. You won’t lose anything when you tell him that his trouser is very nice, you won’t miss anything when you tell him you love his scent. These pretty little stuffs matter. Wake up!
So, make sure you swallow your pride and start giving him those credits. They will send a clear message to his subconscious mind that he has someone who is very special and needed to be kept, at all costs. However, you have to make sure that you just give him genuine compliments!!
Surprise Him With Those Gifts
I said this before and I will say that again, love needs creativity to prosper. Be creative baby girl! Love always favors those people who are constantly creatively. You gotta always come up with new ideas to make it work. Men love that.
Constantly surprising your man with gifts might be one of those ideas. Have you seen a nice watch in town? bring it to him. Have you spot a nice trouser out there? bought it. It’s not a rocket science, you can even bought a handwritten picture of him.
With this, don’t find excuses you don’t need to spend tons of money to make him feel special. Creating memories to someone is not even that expensive and they do last, for sure. Research shows that gifts is the natural remedy even for those who are constantly asking how to make him fall in love again after a breakup. You gotta take that advantage.
Constantly Level Up in Life
I don’t know how to explain it any better than this but anyway let me explain it further. If you asking how to get your boyfriend to chase you and appreciate you more then this point is for you. Level up in life, up your game.
We are talking about developing a new life perspective. It’s about creating a new life dimension, it’s about starting loving yourself and do what’s right and necessary for you.
So, what to do? okay I will tell you here. Start going to Gym for your full personality transformation and you are going to be physical attractive and guess what? this is how to make a guy want you more than sexually, also Practicing meditations for having a clear mindset and reading books for more awareness.
Once you start doing these, you will a very different person and you will start attracting those who noticed your level of transformation, everyone will want to rock with you for the better. I have never met any man on the entire planet who is not impressed with such kind of transformations.
Want To Learn More On How To Level Up in Life? WATCH THIS
Up Your Texting Game (Sexting)
Confusing, right?.
I will explain since most can’t comprehend
The number one reason why most men loose interest to their girlfriends starts from communication (texting). I have interviewed hundreds of men in my time as a dating coach and they all addressing the same thing that their partners don’t have a proper means of communicating with them via texts.
They (women) keep texting them like their normal friends, no sense of sexual elements in their texts. This is a red flag! He is your man not a stranger. Give him those words emotions. I have well explained this stuff on my article of How To Make a Man Fall Deeply in Love With You regular romantic texts are the game changer.
“when both partners approach texting in the same way, they make for a happier couple” Unknown.
Like I said, sexting is very important but don’t get me wrong here, just don’t text him frequently. Just don’t do that, he will certainly keep losing interest. So sexting him but make sure you consider level of texts. This is how to make your man want you again.
Fight Your Ego
This might be the hard pill to swallow for many of you but yeah, it’s true. You gotta keep your ego at bay if you want things to work out again this time around. Ego is your number one enemy. Men have learned to have a better handle on it for ages, but women are still enslaved to it.
Why is it not better? simple, because it makes you prisoner and stubborn to desires that in the long run will make your man starting lose interest on you. Ego will make you to be un free when you constantly listen to it. Ego will make you hard to resist your mistakes which could be easily solved with small talks.
My advice to you here is very simple, just fight your ego and make sure you defeat it. Swallow that and see how amazing your relationship could be with you man in the long run. Once you mastered this you can make a guy like you again even without talking to him.
In large part of our article I was trying to show you some proven ways on how you can make your man to love you again and my message to you is this, you just try your best to implement these strategies and see if they can work.
If they don’t then fear not, it happens sometimes, you are dealing with human being who is unpredictable so don’t get burned to force things out. If you see the mission is completely impossible then I would advice you to step back, breath in and out then chill. You will find someone who is pretty much better than him.
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