6 Things That Make A Man instantly Unattractive

6 min readOct 7, 2021


Forget about what you have been told..

Photo by Francisco Gonzalenz on Unsplash

As a man it feels great to wake up everyday with a ridiculous amount of positive feelings and self confidence when you know, without any shadow of a doubt, that your absolutely A1 creature.

Countless women out there have deeply affection, love and desire for you as a lover and a man as well.

This kind of feeling is unsurpassed. You can just ask anyone on the surface of this earth and is going to tell you the same thing.

But, have you also tried to think on the other side of a coin?

Being a type of man who women and society’ in general taken you for granted.

You are nobody’s business.

Being a man with less ability to attract anyone.

Well, this is what we are pretty much going to look here. Those stuff what makes a man instantly unattractive.

Okay, here are the 6 Things That Make Man instantly Unattractive

1. Constantly Complaining

Going to be brutally honest here, a man who is constant complaining always losing his attractiveness quality.

You just can’t be a proper man when you constant show your victim mindset. This is just a red flag.

Complains never make anything better. It rather exposes your weakness to handle stuff as a man.

In my life time as a dating coach, I have interviewed hundreds of women and whenever the question was about what traits make man instantly unattractive their response was complains. Straight to my face!

As a man you should always be a problem solver. This is what we are made of. Always come with clear strategy when something arises in steady of whining. You create opportunities by performing and not complaining. I can’t stress this enough.

Mario L. Castellanos once said

“What’s the use of complaining about something you have no intentions of changing it?”.

Think about it.

2. Absence of Workout Routine

I’m always keep on saying this, we have a very serious problem in this modern world. More serious than you might think of.

Majority of male out there are just boys. They mostly lacking an Alpha male characters of physical strength and martial courage. This is a truly disaster.

Why? okay well. It comes down due to the absence of proper exercise routines. Most are not going to the Gyms and other cardio workouts.

Absence of these top qualities make you instantly unattractive as a man. I have no better words to explain it than that.

Women always fancy jacked and proper physique man. You can’t fail to attract any single woman on this planet if you have masculinity quality in male’s perspective. Go to the gym and build those muscles. It will build your self esteem and confidence as a man.

Photo By Anastase Maragoss on Unsplash

3. Zero Goals Mindset in Life

Trust me on this one, if there is one thing that makes a man instantly unattractive is this. A Man who has no goals in life. Life was never meant to be dull.

If you always trying to average while you can be amazing then I have no any other words to tell you. A moment of silence for you!

Women always are irresistible to men who constantly their pushing boundaries. They are always attracted to men who never settle for less than they really deserve. It’s not a rocket science. Anyone can have all these qualities.

The good thing about a man with goals and growth mindset is this, it shows that he has a clear purpose on life and has truly those leadership qualities. Women always attracted to this type of men.

4. Talkative Behavior

This is purely a red flag. As a man you should clearly avoid it immediately. The rule has never changed. You should listen more and talk less. This is how you take control.

I have seen handsomely men with many qualities but they instantly become unattractive due to their talkative behavior.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

Cities force growth , and make men talkative and entertaining, but they make them artificial.

The more you talk as a man the less you think. And this is not attractive, at all. The wiser a man is, the less talkative will he be.

Women wants someone who truly listens, they always feel at ease when they are with a man who is in calm state and gives them an ear. You just can’t replace a man who truly talk less and listen more. He is undefeated.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

5. When He Stops Giving Compliments

You might say giving someone compliment especially women is not a part of your job as a man, well let me educate you here and listen to me very carefully. You really lacking top tier men’s qualities.

This fixed mindset will instantly make you unattractive as a man. Women can’t rock with these kind of fellas. In the article Women Are Turned Off By these 5 Types of Men the aspect of giving out compliment was well covered.

Top men always giving out compliments especially to women. It’s crucial because it makes them feel seen, loved and above all appreciated.

Compliments always make a person feel good. You might lack other qualities as a man but trust me, with compliment you can go very far and your level of attraction will be far from this planet.

Ruthie Lindsay was absolutely right when she said, if you see something beautiful in someone, speak it. It’s scientifically proven that, those who neglecting giving out compliments appears to be instantly unattractive.

6. Absence Of a Sense Humor

It’s not a rocket science that, women always love a man who makes them feel at ease, smile and laugh as well.

If you’re funny, you can attract a lot of women in your life time. If you are way too serious then, sorry. Nobody wants to be closer with a robot. You will instantly become unattractive. Period!

We all want to be with someone with a sense of humor. Someone who is witty and yet has self confidence with himself. A robot? No. Thank you!

Nobody wants to be associated with someone who constant thinking in a linear term. It doesn’t work like that.

In the article about 5 Things That Make a Relationship Work it showed the direct correlation between attraction and a good sense of humor.

It’s a life and not war, if you way too serious you will hardly attract women regardless of your financial status. So, I can confidently say that absence of a sense of humor is what makes a man instantly unattractive.


Like you have seen, to be a man of value and attraction it’s not difficult as some of you here thinking. It’s by just implementing those little stuff that we often keep overlook them.

Women always judge a man based on certain criteria and when he fails to achieve then a case is closed. They pass a test to the other man.

This is why you should always be equipped with these stuff and whenever a chance happen, you limit their degree of choices. One literally has to stay. No second option.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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