You will hear a lot of people saying that attracting a man of your life is a very difficult task. But, I'm always beg to differ.
It's very simple. You just need to understand the basics and rules of the game.
1. Maintain Eye contacts
Yes (Eye contact). You read it right. This one is important, this is how you send a clear statement to that man that you are in for the game. You really want him and you ready to do whatever it takes.
What most people seem to not to understand is, eye contact is one of the solid IOIs when it comes to attracting a person (Indicator of interest).
2. Nagging
Yes, you need him, but the better way to have him easily is by showing him that he is not that special. You decrease his value and lower his self esteem which in turn will make him submissively.
As a dating expert, I have been applying this formula to my students and they all get positively results.
Women should know this....Many young women, especially don't understand the paradox. Believe me it's real.