How To Be More Sexually Attractive As a Man

3 min readOct 27, 2021


4 Scientifically tips to unlock your full potential…

Photo by Christopher Campbell On Unsplash

Look around you...

I mean, really look.

90% of your competition is half-assing it.

It’s never been easier to become an irresistible man.

All you have to do is to pay attention.

And doing what is really needed out there...

Like I always keep on saying, this world is full of quality women who are constantly searching for quality men to balance the equation.

All you need to have is Alpha male quality and sexual attractiveness

What a time to be alive!

Anyway, to keep a long story short.

This is an ideal blueprint that any guy could follow to become sexually attractive if he wanted.

How To Be More Sexually Attractive As a Man

Start Hitting The Gym

Are you honestly going to argue with this? I’m sure you can’t. Going to the gym and building a certain amount of muscles is just a priceless thing one can do to easily escape the matrix. Hang in there.

I used to struggle dating quality women back in the day but once I started hitting the gym, my body really transformed, I got jacked and they start to be all over me. Plenty.

What most men don’t seem to realize is that there is no single woman out there who can deny a man who is jacked. Sexually. End of discussion.

Photo By Alonso Reyes On Unsplash

Grow Some Beard

Don’t you have them? Sorry to burst your bubble but women don’t fancy men with no beard sexually. I know it might be a piece of bad news for some of you but I don’t know how to explain it any better than this.

Women always want to feel a real man’s presence in their surroundings.

Having some beards will give you a very unfair advantage above the rest. It may sound cliché’ but yeah that’s true, my friend.

how to be more sexually attractive as a man-Beard man
Photo By Drew Hays On Unsplash

Wear Clothes That Fit You

During my time as a dating coach, I have seen countless men struggling to attract women sexually with no positive result. You know were they all messed up? Zero Dressing game.

Attracting women sexually starts with how you play with your wardrobe.

If you want to have an absolute chance, then I highly recommend starting wearing a cloth that fits you properly. It will never disappoint you.

Avoid oversized clothes. They will easily turn off their sexual desire. I hope I have made it clear, my friend.

how to be more sexually attractive as a man-Well dressed man
Photo by Bruce Mars On Unsplash

Watch Your Voice, Boy!

This is where the game is played. I have seen very handsomely creatures (men) constantly struggling to attract beautiful women sexually due to this aspect here. They didn’t have ‘Men Needed Voice’. Let’s have a moment of silence for them please!

Being a highly attractive man comes down to having what we call a ‘Distinctive voice’.

As a man, you should always speak slowly and languidly with a lowered tone that indicates confidence and ease. Never rush and never clenched. That’s how you win women, sexually.


I could keep on talking about how to be more sexually attractive as a man but at least you have the idea now.

Dating beautiful women doesn’t need you to be a rocket scientist. It comes down to some simple yet effective strategy that anyone can apply.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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