I’ve Lost Everything Twice (Here is What I’ve Learned)

3 min readAug 14, 2024


They Don’t Teach These In Schools..

Photo by Allef Vinicius On Unsplash

Where do I even start?

Okay, well.

Let me start off by telling you something you already know.

The first problem to all of us, men and women is this we are too much entitled.

And let me tell you this ugly truth.

This world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.

It is a very mean and nasty place.

And doesn’t care how tough you are..

It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

My point?

You must have a natural composure and animal instinct if you want to put the entire odds on your favor.

In my early 20’s I used to think the same. Just like you!

I was too much entitled, lazy and unorganized.

And guess what? I lost everything and went back to ZERO.

Thanks God, I’m in a better place now.

I’m alive again. More alive than I’ve ever been in my whole entire life.

And, This is What I’ve Learned..

No One is Coming To Save You

“No one is coming to save you; no one is coming to make life right for you; no one is coming to solve your problems. If you don’t do something, nothing is going to get better.

Nathaniel Branden

That man was absolutely right.

In this game of life, you have to grow up and figure out lots of things by yourself.

Quit looking for handouts.

Nothing teaches like getting your hands dirty.

You hold keys for your own freedom. Go all in!

Consistency is The Name of The Game.

I would absolutely remiss if I didn’t mention the importance of consistency when comes to making things happen.

Everyone on here is desperate for an instant gratification. They want everything NOW.

Me? I’m just playing a long term game.


You get want you want, by simply wanting it bad enough and show up even on your bad days.

That’s it. That’s the beauty of our universe.

You can DISTORT reality and get whatever you desire with pure WILL & CONSISTENCY.

Always work. It did for me and so can you.

I can guarantee you that.

Gym Solves 99% Of Our Problems.

If you ever feeling lost in life,

Just remember, millions of people. Yes, including me

Were in just same situation but they decided to turn things around.

How? Hitting the gym and beat our demons there.

I’ve said this before and will say it again..

If you want to be a dangerous person with full potentials then you should start workout.

That’s non-negotiable. And I wish I was lying!

Hitting the gym absolutely changed my entire life. For the better..

It gave me a sense of purpose. Boost my self esteem. And above all, it made me very handsome!

Photo By Ryan Hoffman On Unsplash

Internet is So Powerful.

Look around you

I mean, really look…

90% of your peers is half-assing it.

They all using internet for childish stuffs.

Netflixing. Video gaming and watching porn.

Zero major move!

You gotta be differently. Start using it with a clear purpose.

Find some meaningful information and launch a business around it.

You will never be the same. I can guarantee you that.

My entire life changed when I started using it in that way.

I learned about marketing, content creation and more.

And guess what? It made me thousands of dollars!

It’s never been easier to attain financial freedom.

All you have to do is to pay attention and move differently.

Your Health is Not Invincible.

I’m absolutely baffled how millions of people have been taking their health status for granted.

Partying 24/7. No proper sleep. Smoking. Junky foods and so forth.

I’m proper sad.

That’s hustling backwards.

Going to be brutally honest here…

This living thing is so pointless if you are not in a proper state (Physically and mentally)

So start moving differently, Son!

Getting yourself proper sleep (8 hours a day)

Hit the gym 3–5x a week.

Watch carefully what you eat.

Practice meditation.

Have a balance in life.

Always remember this: You are not immortal.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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