If Your Life Sucks, Do This...

4 min readNov 7, 2021


They didn’t teach you these in schools

Photo by AJ Garcia On Unsplash

“Billions of dollars are spent every day trying to change your behavior. It takes extreme self awareness to withstand that.”

Calvin Correli

I’m not a mind reader, but I do have quite a bit of experience hearing directly from countless people some common complaints about life.

They all complain about low energy, lack of clear purpose, and so forth. It’s horrible, man!

Let me tell you this for free, you are 100% responsible for every stuff going on in your life. You have none to blame about. It’s you Vs you. Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s the real fact.

But despite all this stuff happening day in and out I do have very nice news for you. The good news is you can change things around very quickly.

How can you do that? Say no more...

I got you covered

1. Hit The Gym 5x A Week

I would absolutely be remiss if I didn’t touch upon the importance of going to the gym 5x a week. This is how you take back control, of your life.

This is how you repair those broken pieces. I used to live a miserable life, full of low energy, anxiety, and guess what! all these disappeared once I hit the gym. I become a monster.

Now I’m in the greatest shape of my life, tanned and jaked with full confidence. No stress no low energy. I’m another class of being. How? Gym.

Photo By Danielle Cerrullo On Unsplash

2. Learn a Bankable Skill

If you ask me why countless folks are living miserable lives at the moment then this would be the response.

They spend countless hours on stuff which have low ROI such as gaming, Netflixing, and so on. You can’t win and have your life in order like this.

Quit being average, start learning some bankable skills for instance Affiliate marketing and forex trading. Leave mediocre people to keep on wasting their precious time on low ROI stuff.

Everything started to change for the better once I started to learn money-making strategies from this course Brick By Brick Money Making Course (How I Made $40k in 9 Months) Grab it Now

Photo By Carlos Muza On Unsplash

3. Delete Most Of Your Phone Apps

This may sound harsh, but I didn’t write this article to coddle you. I wrote it to help you, and the only way to get rid of miserable life is to put some apps in the trash.

Apps which has nothing to do with your own personal development rather than flooding your brain with cheap dopamine every second. You deserve better than that.

I won’t specify which app you should but I hope you get the idea which one costing your peace too much.

Why use 24 hours survey people posting their fake lives there? Ditch them and start spending your time in nature instead. You won’t regret it. Your life will be filled with peace and a clear purpose. Speaking this from experience.

4. Turn Your Social Media Into a Brand

Like I said before, my intention in this article is to turn your world upside, waking you up and giving you a proven strategy to get rid of miserable life full of regret, low energy, and so forth. One of them is to turn your social media into a brand.

Your life sucks because you always consuming instead of creating. I have never seen anyone from creators complaining about low energy life. Build a brand and monetize it. You will start having a high purpose in life and a clear direction.

You have no excuses if a 16 years old girl made over $60k from Instagram, so can you. Grab Her Course &Learn How She is Doing It Here Her proven strategy helped over 974 monetize their Instagrams.

5. Quit Toxic Relationships

95% of the modern-day world's problems would disappear only if people would start taking serious measures by stopping watering dead plants. Toxic relationships are very expensive you don’t need to afford that.

Leave far those toxic friends who have zero goals in life, break up with that partner who has nothing to add to the relationship apart from sex.

You gotta be ruthless if you want to make some giant steps in life. You can’t please anyone. And to me, that’s very okay.

Photo by Milan Popovic On Unsplash


Make moves every day no matter how minor they are. That’s how you level up in life. Small steps in the right direction are what you need to transform from being average to a remarkable person. Nothing else.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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