How I Make $1250/month Posting 5 Tweets a Day.

3 min readSep 26, 2024


And How You Can Too.

I remember reading an article a few years back, that you can have a decent money online if you understand how the game has been played.

How right they were!

I don’t know about you but I love what’s happening in the world right now. And I think I have this right, someone correct me if I’m wrong. 21 Century is the best time in history to be alive.

Call me old school but I’m not afraid to say this, we are now at a time in history where being broke is a choice. We have so many money making opportunities like never before.

Internet has really revolutionized the playing field. We have zero excuses now. You can have a business run within 5 minutes. All traditional barriers went away.

You just have to have a skills and consistency.

I wish I was lying.

And here is my story…

Back in 2020 I had negative balance to my name.

I lived a miserable life until I decided to stand up and go against the trend.

It took me 8 months to start printing cash.

And This is What I Did

The steps for anyone to make money online always fall into 3 major categories.

  1. Skills acquisition
  2. Picking a platform
  3. Learn how to sell

Skill Acquisition

And this is where the entire game has been played sadly most people keep skipping this crucial part. Listen, anyone can make money online but for one to have it on a consistently basis then learning a skills is important.

For people to easily give you their hard earned money then you have to be valuable. Being useful is the first chapter in the book called How to make money Online. Invest in yourself.

My story? I heavily invested in myself and learned about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). My goal was to help people who are struggling on attracting Google’s free traffic to their websites.

Picking a Platform

I’m going to tell you something that will tremendously help you with your online money making success, Listen, having a skills itself is not important, you must have a place (Platform) to sell it. And, it can be on a website or social media platform.

A platform is where you showcase your competence and attracting your ideal customers who are constant looking for the solutions to their problems. You have to be their voice.

And mine was Twitter. Right after I became competent about SEO then I chose Twitter as my ideal platform to showcase my ability. I built my presence there through posting on a consistently basis (I literally tweeted 5 times a day)

Learn How To Sell

When I looked back on my teenage years, I have one major regret,

I spent a lot of my time on Bs stuffs instead of learning how to sell.

And, I think you have probably asked yourself so many times,

“Why some people are easily living the lives of their dreams by simply working from their laptops”

It’s very straightforward. They know how to sell. That’s the dark reality of the game. A person who knows how to sell anything is unstoppable.

He/she will never go broke.

It’s from the sales skills that I’m now able to easily make $49 a day through my SEO E-book sale.

So, the point I’m trynna make here is this, learning a skill and picking a platform is not enough. You absolutely need to understand the basics of a consumer psychology.

How to create an offer and make them buy.

It is that simple!




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.