Darkest Manipulation Tactics Women Use To Control You.

3 min readSep 13, 2024


Photo By JD Mason On Unsplash

Women are masters at psychology. They have all the scare tactics to make you uncomfortable.

When I was younger I was very naïve when it came to women.

I believed the notion that women are the prize and that their happiness is paramount in a relationship.

Then, I started to move like a nice guy (Simp)

False step!

I was wrong.

And guess what?

I fell under their manipulation tactics.

I received all toxic treatments that a nice guy suppose to get.

My life became a mess until I woke up and started setting boundaries.

I entered a new level of freedom.

The point I’m trynna make here is this…

Women always play silly games to make a man less powerful and less dominant. And that's why a nonchalant guy is something they can’t stand by they go crazy over.

And this is why we have this article in place.

Its goal is to expose all female narcissist tendencies and dark traits they use to control you.

Women Darkest Manipulation Tactics


This is one of the greatest manipulative tactic women employ.

I’ve been saying this every time, women are the top tier masters in psychology.

By withdraw means they are giving you the silent treatment especially if you are doing something they don’t want you to do.

Under this tactic they will have you worry feeling like you might be losing her, blaming yourself and more.

They manipulate you to a point of being in a panic mode.

According to a 2019 study, withholding love is a tactic that people may use to emotionally manipulate another person. Love withdrawal occurs if a person withholds affection or loving attention until a person complies with what they want.

(Medical News Today)


This happens when a woman copy the characteristics and traits of someone else. And this could be through, body language, verbal and invincible habits, attitude and more.

Under this tactics, basically women evaluate what you need in a relationship so they can pause as the perfect match for you but the problem is that, is never truly Genuine.

Under mirroring, the manipulator can slowly break down your independence by copying your interests and values. This makes it easier for them to dominate and manipulate the person for their gain.

(My Hidden Scars)

Hot & Cold Technique

This is another dark tactic in women manipulation playbook.

She showers you with the affection and attention.

Making you feel comfortable and attached to her.

And then, all of a sudden she ghost you.

Losing interest on you, conversations stop, short responses and more.

And for those who still don’t get it…

Women do this in order to create a sense of uncertainty and intrigue.

How do you respond to hot and cold flirting?

Be solid.

Don’t let someone else’s insecurity or fear of commitment affect your self-esteem or mental clarity.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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