5 Things You Should Do To Date Someone Out Of Your League

4 min readOct 14, 2021


No Excuses anyone can do this..

Photo by Alexandru Zdrobau on Unsplash

Okay, well..

Let me start off by asking you these few questions..

How many beautiful creatures you have came across out there in your daily life routines? many, right?

You wanted to risk it all but you were afraid to start?

Thinking they might be out of your league?

Then, if all of your answers are of a big YES.

Fear not, this article got you covered.

I’m going to give you all A1 strategies that you can start apply and get immediately results.

As a relationship expert I have been in a dating world for ages, I honestly know how it feels seeing someone in such kind of situation. Pretty confusingly.

Like I said before, fear not the intention of this article is to turn your dating world upside down, to wake you up and open your eyes and give you those importantly details to date someone out of your league.

With these A1 Tips I sincerely believe nothing will ever be the same to you.

Are you ready? Okay, let’s go..

Here are 5 Things You Should Do To Date Someone Out Of Your League

1. Hit the gym 5x per week

This is how you sending a clear statement to anyone who is underestimating you in this life. This is how you take back control.

Believe me on this one, 99% of your dating problems will disappear if you will start hitting the gym.

Why is it important? well, simple. When you will start hitting the gym you will create a nice body that will make it irresistible for anyone to not give you a chance.

I know this feeling, my dating graph skyrocketed once I started hitting the gym. Beautiful women were all over my social media accounts. They all want that body!

To make one thing quickly clear here, hitting the gym is not for men alone, it also applies to women. Once you will start hitting the gym someone out of your league he will easily bend.

5 Things You Should Do To Date Someone Out Of Your League
Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

2. Work on Your Sense of Humor

Okay let me break this golden secret to you today. Those whom you constantly thinking are out of your league are simply human just like you. They have senses and feelings.

They always feel good once they found someone with higher level of social skills. Once you have a good sense of humor, there is zero chance for you not dating them.

I have seen normal guys dating wonderful creatures out there, and whenever I have to research I found those fellas had unquestionable sense of humor.

Up your sense of humor from now on if you want to date someone out of your leagues. It’s not a rocket science that no one wants to date a robot. Up your social skills, fella.

3. Refine your public speaking

Sorry to burst your bubble with this one but if you have zero communication skills then dating someone out of your league will be much harder like climb Mt. Everest.

You have to master the art of communication if you want to pass your ideas smoothly.

Speak softly, slowly and always be calculated. Think before you speak and always embrace the art of listening more and talking less. You can’t fail with this one.

If you will start listening well and talk with a clear purpose you will start attracting many people out of your league. I can guarantee you that.

4. Always Look Amazing

Every next level you want to get demands a better version of you. I would be very surprised if you would want to date someone out of your league and do nothing with the way you appear on a public. You have to up your dressing game. I can’t stress this enough.

You need to raise you bar when it comes to wardrobe. That’s how you send a clear statement to anyone you meet, like yoh don’t take me for granted anymore! You get the idea.

The good thing about dressing well is that, it gives you a naturally confidence to anyone you meet and as you know, with confidence you can win many battles.

Photo by Andrea Dibitonto on Unsplash

5. Cold approach 6 women per week

Yeah you have read it right. May be I should repeat it here, cold approach 6 women per week. This may sound cliché but trust me, it’s a real game changer. It increases your circle of competence and confidence level.

The biggest problem we are facing recently is this, guys have no enough competence when it comes to dating someone out of their league, why? simple, they lack practices and therefore mostly are lacking a sense of perfection.

You simply just need to make practices with these stuff, once you will start cold approaching 6 women per week you will start notice a needed pattern to have someone in your compound.

Those whom you see are out of your league are not that much harder to have them in your life but you are struggling due to low competence caused by absence of practices.


With love just never say never. You can date anyone you would want to. You just need to implement these basic strategies and see magic happen. They worked for me!




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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