5 Powerful CIA Tactics To Attract Any Woman You Want.

3 min readSep 11, 2024


Photo By Tim Mossholder On Unsplash

Women are simple. If they love you, you will know. And if they don’t you will be confused. Simple

When I look back on my twenties, I have one major regret…

And, I can see where I went wrong.

I took this life way more too serious.

I complicated a lot of things.

Everything, man!

Business, fashion, nutrition, dating and so on.

Later on? I come to realize it was all bullsh!t.

I came to learn life is a game and those who implement the law of simplicity always win. And the other side which keep it complex get tanked.

That’s the law of nature.

Everyone on here is desperate for having higher value women in their lives,

But, me?

The story is different.

It has never been an issue, really.

You will hear a lot of people saying…

“You need all things figured out to have A-Class typa women”

No, You DON’T.

Are you a man hunting for tips and advice on how to attract any type of woman?

Is it higher time to improve your game?

If you said yes, then dig in.

Apply these tips and tricks in this article and you will never be the same.

When it comes to love, everyone agrees that “playing games” is bad. Yet we all play them.

How to Become an Irresistible Man

Above Average Communication Skills

During my time as a dating coach, I have seen countless men struggling to attract women sexually with no positive result. You know were they all messed up? Zero communication skills.

Attracting women sexually starts with how you master the art of meaningful communication.

If you want to have an absolute chance, then I highly recommend this strategy. Say less than necessary. Speak slowly and confidently. Avoid gossiping and above all, apply non verbal styles.

Working out 3–5x/wk

I hate to say this but I think it’s time, if you are not always prioritizing working out then you are going to have a very roller coaster ride when comes to attracting women. There I said it, Period.

Life has taught me that if you genuinely invest in yourself and hitting the gym 3–5x/wk then 99% of your modern days problems will automatically disappear. Including dating!

Listen, hitting the gym will upgrade your entire physcal and mental health in a way that you could never imagine. You will be in a better shape and you confidence will skyrocket dramatically.

And guess what? You will become irresistible to women.

That’s science.

Give Good Eye Contact

I’ve come to realize recently that we have a very serious dating problem in this modern world. And it’s much bigger than you think. Men behave like boys. They always scare.

As someone who specializes in dating industry, I can confidently tell you this, Eye contact works when comes to attracting women. I’ve never seen anyone struggling with this approach.

“Eye contact is highly significant. It speaks volumes about your intentions, self-confidence, inner thoughts, and much more.” Says Cooper Thoughts in its article, Why Eye Contact Matters.

Confidence is the Key

Let’s have a moment of silence for men who are laughing on this strategy.

One pattern I’ve noticed among the greatest guys who dated beautifully women (Including me) is this:

We all have utmost confidence.

We walk, move and talk like Alpha men. We simply don’t give a dam!

We occupy the entire room. Say stuffs with our chest and we don’t afraid to take chances and seize new opportunities.

The bottom line is this: As a man you should not be afraid of failure. You have to understand that failure is a part of life so you have to take risks.

You will never struggle to attract women with this mindset.

I can guarantee you that.

Don’t Chase, Attract

And this is where the entire game has been played.

Sadly, most people don’t get this right.

Listen, chasing is for dogs.

As a man, you should position yourself in a way that you will appear attractive. Kill that neediness spirit at all costs.

Women loves a man who has a clear mission in life. Someone who invest a lot of his time in building something meaningful and not someone who waste his time forcing things.

So, have a clear purpose in life. Work on it and they (Women) will come effortlessly.




Written by jayhustler

A Relationship Expert I give practical advices on self-improvement, self-awareness and Business.

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